Remember: everything not saved is lost.
🐾️Warrior Cats Official Site
β˜” About
Warrior Cats 20XX is a WIP site that connects lost, weird, or just well needed sources to the fandom into one general location. It is the project of one individual gathering from several people around the world who all have the true passion for this crazy cat book that started in 2003.
  • Credit:
  • Background images tbd.
  • GIFs sourced from GifCities. All credit goes to the original creators.
  • Moveable/resizable window code by interact.js.
spinning 3D smiley face
Who are these dang cats?
The Warriors universe centers around a large group of feral cats who initially reside in a forest, and later, around a lake. The cats are split into five groups called Clans: ThunderClan, WindClan, RiverClan, ShadowClan, and SkyClan. Each Clan has adapted to its own terrain. Relationships between different Clans are usually tense and they often come into conflict with one another. However, the Clans also sometimes show concern for each other; the idea of one Clan being destroyed usually causes deep distress and prompts urgent action on behalf of all Clans. The Clans have a unique naming and hierarchy system, in that their names are generally determined by their rank in the Clan. The Clan cats have a faith system based on the concept of StarClan, a group of the spirits of the Clans' deceased ancestors, who occasionally provide guidance to the living Clan cats. After death, the spirits of most Clan cats join StarClan and reside in a paradisaical forest similar to Heaven. StarClan often provides guidance to the Clans through dreams and other signs like omens. In addition to StarClan, there exists the Dark Forest, also known as The Place of No Stars, which takes the form of a never-ending forest. The spirits of cats who caused great pain and suffering to others while alive reside there as a form of punishment. Cats who live outside of the Clans are categorized into three groups: housecats, referred to as "kittypets" by Clan cats, who are looked down upon for their cozy and lazy lifestyle; loners, who are cats who live outside of the Clans, usually by themselves; and rogues, cats who live on their own and intend to do harm to the Clans. In some instances, stray cats may form large groups of their own. It is rare for a stray cat to join a Clan, as outsiders are generally distrusted and scorned by Clan cats. Felix the Cat pacing back and forth
πŸŒ† Razed Cities
GeoCities began as a directory of "neighborhoods," or websites with common themes. The company soon began offering free web hosting for users to create their own websites. This movement shaped the early web in culture and aesthetic. In a move of late-stage dot-com bubble speculation, Yahoo! (the Destroyer!) purchased Geocities in 1999. This spurred a decline in the service until 2009, when Yahoo! abruptly shuttered GeoCities with no proper backup. The rise of GeoCities heralded the beginning of Web 2.0: centralized platforms focused on user-generated content. Its demise reflects the current state of affairs: deletion of user-generated content by apathetic platforms. spinning 3D 'Under Construction' sign
πŸ”ž NSFF (Not Safe for Future)
In a move to appease advertisers and streamline content moderation, Tumblr banned adult content in 2018. As a platform previously open to (if not encouraging of) NSFW works, the ban sounded the death knell of "Old Tumblr." This move was seen particularly as an affront to LGBTQ users, a group which viewed Tumblr as a safe space to express their identities. Since the ban, digital archivists have made great strides in backing up content, but no replacement platform exists. Windows format C drive dialog box
🧹 Picking up the Pieces
Modern archival efforts, big and small, make sweeping attempts to backup everything. If history has taught us anything, digital media is just as, if not more ephemeral than traditional media. This leaves digital archivists at the crossroads of historical preservation and technical and fiscal conservancy. Do we need to use valuable hard drive space to backup outdated install images or questionable fanfiction? Who’s to decide? Shrek performing an Irish step dance
Maximillian V. Phillips